Tips for using Biody Manager Software for people with excess fat
1 – Hydratation rate
We advise you for fat mass above 30%, rather than using the MHG (mass excluding fat) hydration rate indicator,
we advise you to use the MHG (mass excluding fat) hydration rate, which contains all the water, including the water of the adipose tissue. You will find this data at the bottom of the"Total Water"indicator
We know how to measure total water, extracellular water and intracellular water,but we do not measure the water of the fatty tissue, we rely on publications that give it at a given percentage as fixed and very low in the order of 13 to 14%.
It is on this basis that we calculate the hydration rate of the free fat tissue by deducting this water from the fat from the total water. A recent publication shows that although the water in the fatty tissue is quite constant, it is not necessarily constant in people with a very high fat mass and who in most cases have a much less hydrated fatty tissue. This is why we advise our users to weight the result of the"Fat Free Hydration Rate" when people have a high fat content.
In fact, it is often found that when these people lose their excess fat, their hydration level gradually returns to normal in the majority of cases.
For this type of person, it is preferable to use the "MHG Hydration Rate" since it contains all the water in the body.
The reference values for the MHG hydration rate are as follows:
-Perfect hydration:73. 3%
-Good hydration between 71 and 76%
-Low hydration between 69 and 71%
-High hydration but close to the norm between 69 and 71%
-High hydration but close to the norm between 76 and 78%
-Low hydration between 67 and 69%
-High hydration between 78 and 80%
-Abnormal hydration level below 67 and high above 80
Example of a person of woman , of 154 cm and 97 Kg
Let us take the example of this person with a very high fat content (48. 31%) for a short height of 154 cm:
- His hydration rate excluding fat is 63. 97% for a balance of tolerance between 68 and 76% (ideal value 72. 2%). It is probably very low because of adipose tissue that contains very little water.
- Its MHG hydration rate is 69. 35% for a balance of tolerance between 69 and 77% (ideal value 73. 3)
It is very underhydrated in fat free mass, but within the tolerance range of MHG hydration (fat free mass).
The MHG hydration rate seems to be the best indicator to evaluate the hydration rate of people with high fat excess.

Additional information:
Specific tiles for people with high fat excess are being studied to facilitate your interpretation and will be available soon.
2 –Skeletal Musle Mass
There are two ways to approach the estimation of the Muscle Mass of a person:
1 - Compare it with a standard individual, this is the result we get with the classical reference value and the theoretical gap. This indicator has the advantage of comparing the individual to an individual of the same size with normal muscle mass. So someone who has developed a high muscle mass compared to the standard will be assigned a high muscle mass and the same if he has a low muscle mass.
2 - At the bottom of the tile « Skeletal Muscular Mass » you have the indicator « ratio on MHG » the ratio Skeletal Muscular Mass to Fat Free Mass. The reference value is not given, but it is in the literature of about 49% for women and 51% for men. This result does not give us a value compared to a standard individual, but the ratio of his Muscular Mass to his Mass without fat, therefore in relation to himself. Which reference to rely on for people with high fat mass. It is difficult to compare a person in a situation of obesity for example with a standard individual, if he or she is small in stature with a low level of activity. For this type of profile, solution 2, the ratio of skeletal muscle mass to fat-free mass.
Example of the same person
His fat mass is extremely high (48. 21%), almost half of his body weight. It is small in size and low in activity.

Result based on the theoretical gap:
If compared with a standard individual. Her result is + 5. 03 Kg of skeletal muscle mass in the theoretical gap, which means that if she kept her weight of muscle mass after losing her excess fat, for her height she would have a very high muscle mass in relation to her new body weight.
Result based on its ratio of muscle mass to fat-free mass.
Its result is 48. 38%, just slightly below the reference value (49%).
Conclusion :
It has a fat free mass (muscle mass but also viscera . . ) which has developed in parallel with its fat mass, as is generally the case in this type of profile. Its theoretical gap is therefore high. By losing part of its fat mass, very likely its fat free Mass would decrease, including skeletal muscle mass, bringing it closer to the standard model. The most important indicator as long as it has not lost a large part of its excess fat is therefore: the MHG Report.

Additional information: Specific tiles for people with high fat excess are being studied to facilitate your interpretation and will be available soon.
3 – Example of a Board recommended for use by people with a high fat mass.